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Managing overall QMS and HSE operations.
Implementation of HSE as per ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 guideline.
ISO 14001 (EMS Certification).
OHSAS 18001 (OHS Certification).
TS 16949 (Quality Certification).
Environmental Monitoring by external agency
Conducting Internal audits as per schedule.
HSE & QMS Policies displayed at the main Entrance

Machino Polymers Limited, is committed to achieve customer’s satisfaction and make the customers successful in their venture.

Our people are committed to continual improvements to provide highest quality products, systems and services, quickly and efficiently to our customers.

With our years of pioneering experience, we also pledge to provide innovative solutions to our customers and work closely with them for the future.

Quality is adding value For my customers, My company and myself.
MACHINO POLYMERS LIMITED employees are committed to helping our customers and company prosper and grow by providing the highest quality products and services through effective use of technology, talent and resources and through continuous improvement in all facets of our business.

Machino Polymers Limited Environmental Policy is to be a responsible corporate citizen in protecting the environment. Machino Polymers Limited is committed, through compliance of Indian standards, to strive for continual improvement in environmental performance, prevent creation of waste, pollution and minimize adverse impact on environment.  We are committed to manage processes, materials and people to minimize on environmental impact of our activities, products and services.

Machino Polymers Limited pledges to implement and operate the ISO14001 Environmental Management System to identify and address significant environmental aspect of its operations including matters such as:
Managing air emission from plant operations
Reduce, reuse and recycling of waste
Improving the efficiency of energy, water and other utilities usage
Develop good gardening and greenbelt within the facility and arrange good house keeping.

Machino Polymers Limited is committed to providing high standards of Health and Safety at work and protecting all employees, Contractor Employees and other people on site and property from all forms of accidents.

The company shall take all steps to achieve this goal, as far as possible and practical by:
Recognizing that our people are the source of our strength and minimizing the risk to the people, plant and products.
Providing employees and contractor employees with training and information to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities and duties in a safe and efficient manner.
Developing and implementing procedures to deal promptly and effectively with fire, Security, Safety, environmental and other emergencies.
Identifying all potential hazards to health and hygiene, safety and property and designing equipment, facilities and procedures to eliminate all accidents.
Developing and implementing appropriate processes and culture which support risk assessment and risk control and secure full participation of all members of the MPL family.
Supporting safety initiatives thereby enabling employees to participate in continual improvement activities to enhance safety.
Complying with relevant legislation and best practices
Ensuring fulfillment of the goals as above through effective contribution.
All employees and other people on site are empowered to implement this policy.
(i)  MPL was the first compounding company in India to have QS – 9000 certification in Apr-2000 with consultation of MUL and then upgraded to

ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Nov-03)

ISO-14001:2004(May-01 & Apr-06)

OHSAS 18001 -1999 (Feb-03)

(ii)  No compromise in Quality, whatever the competitive price pressures.

(iii)  MPL, as a responsible corporate entity, is committed to protect the environment by:

Managing air emission.

Reduce, reuse and recycle of Waste

Efficient usage of energy and water
colour Management
Control on Pigments
Incoming pigments color check
Comparison with the standard
Deviation from the previous lot
Communication to the production
Preventive actions before production
Color Matching
Grade wise color history for all grades
Color trend analysis for each grades
Color package fine tuning before prod.
Highly Empowered Workforce
Color Expert on call 24x7
Customer feedback
Desired Color  ----  CUSTOMER DELIGHT
  Approach of MPL
Work closely with OEMs and Tier1’s
Dedicated development by R&D and Q&A
To be present locally to support OEMs
Win application via competitive price
With running business, competitive pricing